Smith Mountain Lake Waterfront Real Estate, Virginia for your retirement or investment - Specializing in waterfront lake property, smith mountain lake properties, lakefront .
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Imagine 22,000 acres of crystal-clear water with 500 miles of shoreline and a backdrop of Virginia's majestic smith mountain lake property Blue Ridge Mountains. Smith Mountain Lake has become one of the .
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Smith Mountain Lake Residential Waterfront Property. Example: Lakefront Lot Only ($300K-$1.5M) Waterfront Cottage: ($400K-$600K)
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Long & Foster Smith Mountain Lake Property Management 40 Village Springs Drive, Suite 15 Hardy, Virginia 24101 1.866.395.2038 / 540.719.0075 Email: debbie.aliff .
Welcome to one of Virginia's most sought after resort area --- SMITH MOUNTAIN LAKE - where Property Values tend to increase!
In that case, expensive remediation may be required
before you can use the dock - or even before you can buy the property. Nearly all Smith Mountain Lake homes are built above the .
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